Look up the letters between Gilson and De Lubac. Gilson sniffed him out as a fraud from the get go.

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I'm not surprised, since Gilson was a true Thomist. It's like the (perhaps apocryphal) stories of Treasury agents being trained by only handling real greenbacks--the counterfeits then being instantly recognizable. Thanks for commenting.

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Providentially, I just read something concerning evolution in Sheen's 1960 "Go to Heaven": "One wonders why a world so much given to the philosophy of evolution does not see the grace of Jesus Christ as the answer to its aspirations. One of the reasons why evolution is held so highly is because of the promise it gives for the future, and yet, all that it can give, even in its wildest form, is the unfolding of something beneath man. But here in supernatural biology [Sheen has been expostulating on grace], there is the promise and the potency of a glory for man which exceeds even his imagination--the potency not of becoming a superman, but a son of God. There is no emergent in the whole field of evolution comparable to the 'new creatures' which emerge from the Sacrament of Baptism. True greatness of life is not a push from below, but a gift from above: 'I am come that you may have life and that in abundance'" (55-56).

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